This year 2024 we are celebrating our 20th Anniversary of the Transforming Spaces Tour! Please see the following timeline of our progress over the 20 years! Thanks to Orchid Burnside and Arthol Gibson for producing this important piece of Bahamian art history!
In addition to this interesting timeline above, there was a display at Doongalik of the various TS t-shirts that were produced over the years, some printed by hand cut stencils! We extend thanks to Master Artist and graphic designer, John Cox who was always eager to design a new logo throughout the early years up until 2017 when we settled on a branded logo and graphics.
The following images are from the archives of exhibitions that have taken place over the past years! Special thanks to Omar Williams for allowing the use of his many images displayed below!
2010 - 2015
2016 - 2019
In November 2023, Doongalik Studios curated the Exhibition entitled “Looking Back & Moving Forward” for the Transforming Spaces TS50 Art Tour as an extension of a short history of Bahamian Art presentation written by Pam Burnside during the year of the country’s celebration of its 50th Anniversary of Independence.
You can view this informative Powerpoint presentation at this link: HTTPS://YOUTU.BE/Z-3GZEF1YVY
Please be advised that no part of this presentation and its accompanying images displayed in the Youtube video related thereto may be reproduced in any form, electronically or mechanically (included but not limited to photocopying, recording, or information storage or retrieval) without permission in writing from Pamela Burnside.
The presentation chronicles the journey of Bahamian Art, and that of Doongalik Studios through the lens of its founders, Jackson and Pam Burnside, with corresponding images throughout the decades. A podcast of corresponding interviews with key artistic personalities are also attached below to expand the narrative.
A sincere ‘thank you’ goes out to all of the contributors who assisted in this regard.
Telling the stories of the past and the present develops a firm foundation for the future, and our hope is that Jackson’s 2020 prediction that : By the year 2020 more visitors will come of The Bahamas because of our Art, Culture, and Heritage rather than merely for our sun, sand, and sea - remains true and strong.